Hello new friends and old!
Mr. Boots Willoughby and I have decided its high time we publish our thoughts on books online. (I say "decided" with the lightest touch - it is not without the encouragement of many other that we forge on in this adventure).
Boots is an almost 5 month old tuxedo kitten who could give Dennis a run for his money in holding the title "The Menace." He prefers chewing on, and napping on, books to reading them. His favorite places are on my lap, in the clean towels corner of the linen closet, and the top of his kitty castle. He will try any and all people food at least once, including salsa and corn chips although his favorite is Lucky Charms.
I am 24, living in Saint Louis, and basically living every single dramedy that has come out in the last 2 years about aimless millennial 20 somethings trying to navigate the difficulties of adulthood. So obviously I'm starting a literary blog with my cat, because can't you see that happening on Girls or New Girl? I've always been an avid, and opinionated reader. I'm loud, slightly (if not totally) obnoxious, I can be pretty vulgar, and when I'm not reading, I'm probably hate tweeting a Netflix binge or world politics.
If you don't like spoilers, Harry Potter, inappropriate stories, bad jokes, YA fiction references, and scathing criticism I advise you read with caution - cause that's basically a summation of what we plan to do around here. We're calling it the "not so classics" because I make no promises on the quality of literature - there will be much bodice ripping, and absurd mystery novels interspersed (hopefully) with a few classics.
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